15 Most Popular and Common Coffee Drinks

Coffee remains a beloved beverage worldwide, with its rich flavors and energizing effects often cited as reasons for its enduring appeal. Among the most popular coffee drinks, the espresso serves as the foundation for many, whether it's the creamy latte, the foamy cappuccino, or the chocolaty mocha. These drinks, each with their unique textures and flavors, encapsulate the allure of coffee. People are drawn to its versatility, its ability to adapt to various tastes, and the comforting ritual of starting a day or taking a break with a cup in hand. Below are 15 of the most popular coffee drinks!

What are the Most Popular coffee orders?

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1. Black Coffee

Black Coffee, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

This is the most common type of coffee. It's made by brewing coffee as you normally would: drip, pour-over, french press, or however you make it. You serve it with no add-ins. It's the easiest drink for your coffee shop.

2. Espresso

Espresso, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Espresso is much stronger than regularly brewed coffee. It's a method of brewing coffee where nearly boiling water is forced through finely-ground coffee beans. It creates a concentrated, syrup-like coffee drink. This is the base for many Italian drinks in coffee shops.

3. Latte/Iced Latte

Latte, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

A latte is an espresso with steamed milk and a small amount of milk foam on top. This is basically the American form of a cappuccino. Rather than being equal parts foam, milk, and espresso, it has much more milk. It's smoother and gentler for a more American palette. You can add flavoring syrup to it to make different variations. For iced lattes, pour your espresso and steamed milk over ice. When served with double walled coffee cups, the latte is supremely enjoyable.

4. Americano

Americano, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Americanos are common coffee drinks, and they're incredibly easy to make! It's just espresso with hot water poured over it. It was invented during World War II. European baristas added water to their espresso to give it a smoother, less concentrated flavor for the American soldiers stationed there. That's why it's called the Americano!

5. Cappuccino

Coffee, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Cappuccinos are made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and thick foam. Originally, it was made by Italian monks called Capuchins, but you can easily make it in your coffee shop today!

6. Mocha

Mocha, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Mochas are espresso-based drinks made with chocolate and whipped cream instead of foam. Their ratio of espresso to milk and other ingredients depends on the coffee shop. They tend to range between the ratio of cappuccinos and lattes. Whether you prefer more espresso or more milk, your mocha is sure to shine in your coffee shop.

7. Cafe Au Lait

Cafe au lait, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Cafe au lait or cafe con leche is equal parts strong hot coffee and steamed milk. It's a traditional French coffee drink consumed with breakfast.

8. Macchiato

Macchiato means spotted, so a macchiato espresso is an espresso with a spot of milk. Most coffee shops will add a dollop of foamed milk rather than just steamed milk.

Caramel Macchiato, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

This is what's known as a traditional macchiato. You may know macchiatos as what Starbucks serves as their caramel macchiato. These are closer to lattes. They're served with flavored syrup on the bottom, milk on top of that, then espresso and caramel sauce.

9. Flat White

Flat White, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Originating in Australia, flat whites are espresso and micro-foamed milk. The ratio of espresso to milk is 1:4. This ratio is important to get right; otherwise, it turns into a latte or a cappuccino.

10. Irish Coffee

Irish Coffee, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Irish coffee is definitely not a traditional morning drink. It's a cocktail made with drip coffee and Irish whiskey with a layer of lightly whipped cream on top.

11. Frappe

Oreo Frappe, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

This is basically a blended latte. They're traditionally made with espresso, ice, milk, and flavoring syrup, all combined in a blender. Most people top it with whipped cream, too!

12. Cold Brew

Cold Brew Coffee, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Cold brew coffee is a smooth, cold beverage made by steeping coarsely ground coffee in cool or room-temperature water for many hours. The time replaces the heat of traditionally brewed coffee. Cold brew coffee is more of a coffee concentrate, and it's incredibly strong. Some coffee shops will water it down for their drinks.

13. Affogato

Affogato, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

This is less of a drink and more of an ice cream sundae. It's ice cream or gelato with hot espresso poured over it. The hot espresso slightly melts the ice cream, and the ice cream cools the espresso; they're perfectly complementary to one another and Read this blog post about How to Make the Best Affogato.

14. Red Eye

Espresso, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

Red Eye is a less common coffee drink. It's basic drip coffee with espresso added. Its high concentration of caffeine makes it a favorite for those needing a major energy boost.

15. Vietnamese Coffee

Unmixed Coffee, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

This is a different method of brewing coffee. To make it, add sweetened condensed milk to the bottom of a heat-proof glass. Then, place a Vietnamese coffee filter over your glass. Add your desired amount of ground coffee and pour nearly boiling water over it. This will result in creamy, sweet coffee.


Coffee Drink Guide, 15 of the Most Common Coffee Drinks Explained

We hope this explanation of the most common coffee drinks helps you understand what each of your menu items means and how you can make it in your coffee shop. Explore our diverse range of coffee cups to elevate the presentation and enjoyment of your favorite brews.


Among the most common types of coffee, espresso boasts the boldest flavor. It's a concentrated coffee brew made by forcing hot water through finely-ground beans, resulting in a robust and intense flavor. While other popular coffee drinks like lattes or cappuccinos might be more commonly ordered in cafes, it's the rich essence of the espresso at their heart that gives them their characteristic taste. For those seeking a powerful coffee experience, espresso stands out in the realm of the most popular coffee offerings.

The world of coffee is ever-evolving, and recently, a new trend has emerged in the realm of the most popular coffee drinks. Dalgona coffee, a whipped frothy coffee originally from South Korea, has taken the internet by storm. This visually appealing drink is made by whipping together instant coffee, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy, and then adding it to milk. As coffee drinks explained, this trend highlights a blend of traditional methods with modern twists. Its viral nature underscores coffee's enduring appeal and its ability to reinvent itself, continuously securing its spot among the most popular coffee beverages globally.