How to Run a Successful Business in 2019 (Open a Coffee Shop)

Running a business in 2019 can be a lot of fun. Although there is still a lot of hard work involved, as long as you are making the right decisions, you can have a very successful company. Here are a few things that you should consider when you're trying to start a great company.

Choose the Product or Service

The most important aspect of starting a business is determining what you're going to sell. The product or service you offer will determine exactly how you should handle your company. Here's a tip, if you truly want your company to be successful, there is only one product that will guarantee success: coffee.

Alright, maybe you can't 100% guarantee a successful business just by selling coffee, but it's pretty close. The overall retail value of the U.S. coffee market is estimated to be $48 billion and specialty coffee comprises roughly 55% of the entire value share. Coffee is also the most important part of any adult's day and if someone says otherwise they are definitely lying.

Gather Your Equipment

Once you've selected your business (coffee), your next step should be to identify exactly what kind of equipment and items you'll need for whatever product (coffee) you're selling. As an example, randomly select one product to show what other equipment would be required for that random product. How about... coffee?

In addition to all that delicious liquid happiness that you'll be providing your customers, you're going to need coffee stirrers, coffee cups, lids, sleeves, and disposable cups as well. Unfortunately you can't just pour it into their hands, so you're important to acquire plenty of this coffee paraphernalia before you open your business. The coffee itself is the main attraction, sure, but without coffee stirrers that poor sugar will remain at the bottom of your cup. Without providing lids your customers will almost certainly spill on themselves. And without sleeves your customers will burn their coffee-loving hands.

No matter what kind of business you're running in 2019, whether it's selling coffee, making coffee and giving it to people in exchange for money, or just charging a reasonable price for a product made entirely out of coffee, you're going to have a great year. Talk to Hot Cup Factory today if you want to get some coffee stirrers, disposable cups, or any other coffee-ranted items.