Why Do People Drink Coffee in the Morning and What Are Its Benefits?

Many people out there love drinking a cup of hot coffee in the morning, but all too often, this gets labeled as a bad habit that we should try and kick. If you have been thinking of giving up your morning dose of caffeine, you might want to reconsider. As it turns out, coffee can actually provide some positive health benefits, giving you the ability to guzzle that morning cup of joe guilt-free every single day.

Full of Antioxidants - Benefits of Coffee in the Morning

Drinking one or two cups of coffee every day helps significantly when it comes to adding antioxidants to your diet. What are antioxidants? Well, to put it simply, they fight off harmful things that damage your cells and enable you to live a healthier life all around. Needless to say, they are very important, and coffee is a great source for them.

Decrease the Risk of Disease - Benefits of Drinking Coffee in the Morning

A recent study revealed that three to five cups of coffee a day helps to lower the chance of developing Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia by 65%. As you age, your cognitive development naturally declines, but coffee can help slow down this rate quite a bit.

And that’s not all. Coffee also protects against heart failure, minimizes the chance of getting liver disease and cancer, and lowers the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. Along with this, coffee has been known to improve symptoms in those with Parkinson’s disease, and it can help to curb depression, too.

A Low-Calorie Boost - Benefits of Drinking Coffee in the Morning

Now, it is pretty obvious that coffee can improve your mood and give you a boost of energy in a hurry. Other drinks, like energy drinks or sugary sodas, can do this, as well, but you are forced to take in a lot of calories for the extra energy you are craving. Coffee has close to zero calories when you drink it black, so you will not need to compromise your diet to get that extra oomph you need to get through the workday.

Are you one of the 65% of people who like to mix coffee with sugar and fancy creamers? We get it. Just try limiting it as much as you can. If you train yourself to love coffee in its original state, soon enough, you will be drinking it without any add-ins and enjoying every minute of it.

Get Drinking!

All in all, enjoying a couple of cups of coffee per day can bring some definite benefits to your life, but remember to enjoy it in moderation. As your number of cups increases, so do some health risks, like added anxiety, insomnia, upset stomach, and irritability.

That being said, it typically takes quite a bit to reach these points, so do not hesitate to stop by your local coffee shop on your daily commute to work. Drink away, get productive, and give your body and brain the boost they deserve.


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